Your Life Is A Series Of Choices, I Want You To Choose You

Huzaifa Haider 🦋
3 min readJun 15, 2024

Choosing yourself is hard, but not impossible.

Image by the author

There are many aspects of our lives that we don’t have any control over, but we can still choose something in little moments that connects us with our true essence and makes our life experiences beautiful.

I lived my life in constant fear. Being unable to enjoy pleasurable life events thinking and sympathizing with myself over little things that had gone wrong in my life. I was unable to put my alert nervous system to stop, I still feel the urge to gossip in my mind regarding the worst-case scenarios. I felt as if I didn’t have any faith left in God or my fate.

This was because I was constantly thinking about all the worst-case scenarios, and thus was in fear, and worried that whatever I had now would fly away from my life. This is also because till now things that I wanted mostly have shied away from me, including my dream job, the women I liked, and the materials I wanted to possess. Due to this mentality and evidence of things and people leaving me, I considered it my fate, thus I was unable to put in any good efforts afterward.

I am against blind faith in things working out on their own, but these days I have challenged my mentality: I have started to believe that things will eventually work out in my favor, this is to refocus my mind on all things that I can control and give my efforts. When I started to believe that my efforts could bring change in me, it was the day fear eventually got lessened and I started to experience life better.

When I fall into depressive thoughts, I now understand that it won’t go on its own and not by lying down and ruminating about the problems.

The anxiousness has its roots in feeling moving towards a destination you are unaligned with. Your vision of your future is like hiking a high mountain, you will have to face all kinds of obstacles but when you decide to release everything that makes you away and slowly progress toward your vision, it will only then make your life worth experiencing. Release the burden, yet lift yourself to the ladder up toward the peak.

When you are on this hike, remember to meet your needs: Your hike will be beautiful when you take the necessary equipment, food, and water with you that you use for energy when going up. I remember my recent hike in the Mountains when I would stop to recharge my body with water, without the water the hike would become rather hell.

When you meet your needs in your life, you open the doors to wellness in all areas of your struggles.

You will feel energetic and powerful. You will possess the fuel to get out of your comfort zone and do what you always wanted to do. It’s magical when I see how this life works, little improvement impacts everything else. One decision to run for a walk outside can make you pleasant with your words and better treatment with your family and other humans.

I believe little choices have a profound impact on your life. Whether it is keeping boundaries, accepting changes in your life, or releasing unhealthy attachments, you will have to make small choices for yourself. And when you choose the person you are and want to become, you will start to change and you will thrive. I believe in the good life, and I deserve to live well without fear and worries.

Thank you for reading. The blog was written after research and fact-checking, however, it is not professional advice and can be flawed.

