You Are a Gift To Someone’s Life

Huzaifa Haider 🦋
3 min readJun 13, 2024
Image by the author

When the darkness floods our life, we cannot think straight, letting us to fall into bog of despair and inferiority complexes, we don’t realize that we are important for many people and they look to us as their source of motivation to live.

You are a gift to many people in their lives. You have made people feel valued, special and loved. Your friends, and your family look upto you as their source of support and inspiration, that bring them joy and happiness. You are the one who they look for when they are going under stress or guidance, which makes you a valuable asset in people’s lives.

You don’t know but you matter to many people, even if they don’t tell you, you still are.

When I see my mother, she smiles at me, I am a source of joy to my mother. When I ask my friend how his life is, his face brightens up thinking there is someone who is asking about me. When I write, there are many people who take delight in it, confirming that my words have an impact on them. Even if I have not achieved the lofty dreams I had, I am still a source of goodness to many people.

A gift is selfless, without expectations of any return. You are a precious gift that is unique and makes peoples lives meaningful, you are a gift that lets others celebrate their lives and feel appreciated. You are a gift that is honored by many people.

When you give your time, your love, your attention, and your kindness, you give people their motivation to feel good and loved. They find their life meaningful, your smile makes their day and your soft words heal their wounds. When you think your life does not matter, see yourself in their eyes and the importance you hold to them.

This life is about connectivity and connection: your success is not merely your success, and your failure is not merely your burden. Moreover, your happiness doesn’t comes from living a life of solitude but rather it is in sharing your journey with others. Your value is not in how powerful you have become or how much you have acquired but rather what value you are giving to people around you.

When you understand that you are a source of motivation for others, you will gain motivation yourself. When you see that you are a source of happiness for others, you will find your happiness in them too. When others consider you as a gift to their lives, all becomes a gift to yours too.

Before giving in to your depressive thoughts, think about people that look up to you. You do have an enormous impact on people.

Thank you for reading. The blog was written after research and fact-checking, however, it is not professional advice and can be flawed.

