Every Paradise Has a Difficult Path

the path to goodness has many obstacles

Huzaifa Haider πŸ¦‹
2 min readJun 15, 2024
Image by the author

Challenges confront us hard in our life. We cannot shy away from challenges if we want to grow in life β€” It is through these tests and trials we learn to navigate through the desert and find islands in the oceans.

Just as when we hike, we have to move upward to a great height through small steps; similarly, in life too, we have to face difficulties and deal with them step-wise.

Therefore we have to not live in the past, neither worry about the future. All we should care about is taking baby steps consistently β€” and overcoming bigger obstacles on the way.

The most difficult thing to do when faced with a huge uncertainty and trial is the first step.

Everything follows accordingly. We take thousands and thousands of steps upon this courageous first step. You may have faced your fears for life but when the time arrives and you decide bravely β€” it changes everything, you no longer stay the same person ever again.

The do something principle keeps you going on. Motivates you to do something, even it is for the first step. Doing little inspire more and more. Good ideas only come when you write on your first rough bad idea.

And remember when we finish our hike, the scenery worth all the struggle. For paradise, we have to bear the pain and the uncertainty.

Consider your struggle the same as this hike, if you want to see a beautiful paradise. You have to keep going and going.

Great pain results in great pleasure.

